Wednesday, June 29, 2011


i kept forgetting to post what your apo wrote as her basic info sa Facebook, I am impress - so here goes:

Esther Abigail Villarba:

I'm 21... and forever young :)
I am the moodiest person you'll ever meet. :) :(
God will always be my first love.
My girl friends are my diamonds
I am an impatient dentistry student
I have the best family in the world ♥
My dad, he is my money-ger
My mom is my kumare
I am lola's baby girl, sadly she passed away :'(
I look up to Hazel, I care for Joy, I want to be a good ate to Joel
Manila is my home, but Gapo is my love
Shorts and skirts are my best friend
Only a minute would take you to get close with me
I always see to it that i have the most updated songs in my Ipod, I don't want to be left out when it comes to music...
I cannot leave home w/out my Ipod
Music feeds my soul
I super love net surfing ♥
I always ask money for current issue magazines
I extremely love cooking!
(pero hindi p ko ready magasawa)
Sometimes I am big, sometimes I am small, but whatever it is I must love my body
If you feel beautiful, flip the hair
I super hate plastics, social climbers and those persons who-are-not-true to themselves
I disgust imitators
I heart shopping, if and only if I have money!
I can't stop collecting almost everything
I am the girl who always got nothing to wear but her closet is full of clothes!
I am a very sensitive person
I am a laugher
I can laugh extremely but with no sound at all
My only talent is solving a rubix cube
And I think I am talentless
I am a diva in my own element
If I get mad, I really go gaga
Whatever you're dreams are, take the risk!
Miracles happen when you believe!

Smiles make my gloomy days bright
Love makes it brighter.. ♥

Honestly, I am a boring person but
There's way too much stuff to know about me
I would love to be your friend

Because I was bored beyond belief

So i fill up this info

And if you are done reading this, then wow maybe you were just as bored as I am!

Toodles! ♥

"smile :) and love ♥"