Saturday, July 7, 2012

birthday message 2011

Mission Peak: Kerks 06Jul12
happy birthday mommy,

just wanted to let you know that i love you so much. i know it's been kind of hard to cope and deal with my whole situation lately, but i dont want it to ruin your birthday.  sorry i couldn't get you something this year, but hopefully this will be enough to start your day in a positive way.  i want to let you know how much i look up to you as my mother.  you work hard with dad to keep this family sustainable together and you never let your hopes fade away.  through hard times you know how to stay happy and to keep a smile on your face always.  you make the best out of the worst situation, which is hard to find in people nowadays. so i want to let you know that i really admire that and i hope to carry that trait throughout my life after learning it from you.  because of you, you taught me to never give up not even in my lowest times of life and to always see the better side because everything happens for a reason.  i look up to you as my inspiration on the kind of person  i want to be as i get older in life, plus i'm glad to be realizing this at a young age. so, in all - i just want to tell you that i really appreciate the person you are and everything you've done for me and this family.  i know we've had our ups and down, and i know we will continue to have some, but i'm speaking on behalf of all your 3 children when i say that we wouldn't want anyone else to be OUR mommy.  hope you have a great day mommy. love you soooo much. 

your son,
Kerks Palma

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