Friday, November 23, 2012

reviving feelings

i remember the days when i first came from hong kong to us of a.  when ill be left alone at home while noel is at work and kerks at school.  i woke up this morning feeling the same when at 10am i have nothing left to do.  today i tend laundries and cooked for lunch by the time it is 10am, i cant think of anything else what to do. 

those days do drove me crazy living from the city full of lives, non-stop meeting friends, every week of parties, after hour drinking, dining outside - french food, vietnamese, thailand, italian, greek, being the first of 50 customers of a new restaurant or just cruising islands. exploring restaurants that we have to drive more than 2 hours for a plate of foods or flew to either bangkok or philippines to spend a long weekend if we do happen to get that break.  life is different now but i do like remembering those days.

today made me remind being lonely here, it breaks my heart and i dont want to remember coming here that's a sad transition.

now i have my family and dont think i will ever choose to live anywhere without them.

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