Friday, May 15, 2009

Pateros at Balot

Balot))))))))))), balot)))))))))))))), balot)))))))))))) you'll hear this from a neighboring town everywhere after dinner or by 9-10pm at night, this is the time that all mag ba-balot ay naglilibot to sell what they have in a barrel of two basket carried and balance on their shoulder while walking and shouting, the means of advertising to attract customers. "Bili na kayo ng balot, mainit pa po".

Nanay and Tatay love story is against all odds. Who can blame the odds, Tatay came from a good family, just out of college and married a woman with two kids ahead of their lifetime. Against all odds is always on their tail hanggang napadpad sa Pateros yung dalawa. I remember they don't know anyone in this place and to how they got there, who knows unless Tatay shared part of the story (I cant bug him now :(, he must be lonely inspite of the new odds that's angry of him but that's another story).

I wake up each morning with banyera ng balot. This is the lover's source of income surviving the little 2 Mary's of their life. Banye-banyerang balot, can't hardly walk sa living room with all these pile. They wash & disribute the balot every single day. To my suprise, I'll get back from school and found no trace of balot nor the banyera can be found. Not sure how it works and how fast they do it but I surely have 6-9 balots set aside by Nanay hidden from Tatay for a night snack ..... the source of their income is the source of my nutrition as well for a treat.

Tess is too young for a balot treat, she's still in a bottle with condense milk - unless Tekla will correct this note, I am on it.

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