Thursday, May 21, 2009

Simbahan sa Pateros

Our house is a few blocks away from school. I of course, walk from school to home and in between the distance there is a church that I pass by every time I took the route.

Every single day and every single route I took, lagi akong nadaan sa simbahan, no matter how much I took it for a day - Simbahan there is, I will always drop by. I don't know if I'm praying but I do know that I can't recite any repeated prayer at this age. Too young to understand, to young to know about it. Nanay did not complain at all nor comment the church visit no matter how often it is.

Nanay will always tanaw me from a distance on the way to school and on the way back home. I remember seeing her on a schoold day in the corner of the street making sure that I go to school and made it back home *sweet*. There were times that she will meet me halfway by the church and just waited sa labas ng simbahan for me.

One day siguro something happen and for some reason I took a different route na ang tawag sa pinas eh "shortcut". I'm pretty sure I got lost. I've learned later that Nanay went to school when she did not see me sa street corner on time and ask around where was I. She check every single block that I could possibly took to get home. She went back to school twice after that, check the church and at this moment she's already dead worried.

Meanwhile, the shortcut I took was getting unfamiliar and I can't find myself back home. I was getting tired walking and kept trying any new blocks that would lead me home. I kept walking and walking and saw the simbahan. I did the normal thing that I always do, went inside, sat in a bench, look around and pass time as I usually do. I totally forgot that I was lost, that I have to go home and maybe because I was too tired, I just sat sa simbahan. This is where Nanay found me finally. She didn't pick me up that soon yet but went to look for the priest ng Simbahan and talked to the priest for the 1st time at reasonable length. I was just watching them talking and I am not sure what they talked about nor learned what it is all about.

Nanay came to where I was seating finally, took my hand and I saw her worried face. I was too young to understand. On the way home she asked "ano bang pinag dadasal mo, ang liit liit mo pa araw-araw nasa simbahan ka?" I just look at her because I myself dont know why I pass by the church everyday .... and we continue walking back home hand in hand.

I can still feel that hand holding me and more often when I go to church. I live and move out with my parents house @ 16. Growing up, I moved a lot and wherever I was or I am, the Simbahan is always in between my work and home. I know church is a part of every community and always has one but to this then, it is not nor was against my way to work and home. I will always pass one.

.....and Perla will always be there now.

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